
October 10, 2015
Split_iz_zraka (Medium)

Meet the partners – Introduction to University of Split

As a predominant scientific and teaching institution in the region, the University of Split has expanded during the course of the past 30 years to include eleven Faculties, one Academy of Arts and four University Departments.
October 8, 2015
m2 (Medium)

Meet the partners – Introduction to Middlesex University

Middlesex University has six schools: Business, Art & Design, Health & Education, Law, Media & Performing Arts; Science & Technology, and the Institute for Work Based […]
October 6, 2015
r1 (Medium)

Meet the partners – Introduction to University of Malaga

The University of Malaga (UMA) is one of Spain’s premiere institutions of higher learning. Since its foundation back in 1972, UMA has rapidly expanded its international presence and prestige.